Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What to do with Bond's HR Ball?

Marc Ecko bought Barry Bond's 756th homerun ball, which made Barry Bonds the all time leader HR hitter, for $750,000. You'd think he would want to hold on to that ball for the rest of his life, wouldn't you? Well apparently he does not want to which seems ridiculous to me. On his website,, he gives the public 3 options for what to do with the ball. First option is to send it to Cooperstown and let it forever be in the Hall of Fame. Second option is to put an asterisk on it then send it to Cooperstown so everyone will know that the ball is not really a record breaking ball. The third and final option is to banish it and, "Put the ball on a rocket ship and launch it into orbit, a moon shot for ages." Shouldn't this ball go to the Hall of Fame regardless? I mean he wasn't proved of taking steriods and I don't think that this record should be questioned. Bonds pretty much summed up my feelings on the whole situation, "He spent $750,000 on the ball and that's what he's doing with it? What he's doing is stupid." If I was owner of that ball, I would do one of three things, sell it for more money, making a profit for myself, send it to the Hall in respect for the game and Barry Bonds, or finally keep it with me for the rest of my life in a trophey case making my house a small tourist attraction. I would never even consider shooting anything I bought for $750,000 into space for no reason, no matter what importance the object had behind it.

1 comment:

Gurich said...

I agree shoting a ball into space is dumb especially with the kind of money that was spent on it. First I would not spend that type of money on a ball beacuse if I had that type of money I would find better things to spend my money one. I like the idea that he is letting the fans vote on what he should do with because many fans have very different views with the issue did he or didn't he use the juice. Personally if I caught the ball I would sell the ball and try and get the most money I could for it.The best place for the ball is in the hall of fame even though Barry might have used the juice hall of fames normally get the record breaking artifacts so in this case why would it be any different.