Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mitchell's Report to Reveal Big Names

About 18 months ago, Former Senator George Mitchell launched an investigation into the steroid issue in Major League Baseball (MLB). Apparently, after all of his research, Mitchell has found some huge news. A 30-team Major League Baseball conference call was held mid day Friday to talk about his findings. From what came out of this meeting, the amount of players reveled in his report and the magnitude of the players is huge. One Lawyer for the MLB called this report, “Salacious.” Another source familiar with what was said at the conference said that, “This is going to be enormous.” But my question is what evidence can be pulled out of this report? I mean he might have found a great deal of players that have taking steroids over the past few years but how can he prove it? I know that people will go into great speculation after hearing about this report and all the players named in the report, but I can only think that nothing will happen to the players since there is no way that Mitchell could have gotten sufficient enough evidence to put these players away or at least get them suspended unless Mitchell got a blood or Urine sample form each and every player named in the report. The players named in the report will be frowned upon after the report comes out and looked at in a whole new way but I don’t think that is far. My opinion is the Steroid issue is simple; I need to see scientifically proposed evidence before I believe that a player used performance enhancing drugs. Until I see someone come out with that report, I’ll still think all of the players that are going to be named in the report are innocent.

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