Saturday, October 20, 2007

Race plays factor in Coach's Fireing?

Jerry Baldwin was the coach of the La. Lafayette Football team from 1999-2001. Over that time, the Football team did not far so well. They went 6-27 in those years and the attendance for the home games were also terrible. Shortly after the 2001 season, Coach Baldwin was let go because of the team’s poor performance. Or was it because of his race? Baldwin was the first Black head coach of a major Louisiana University Football team. Baldwin claims that he was fired because of his race, not because of his team’s performance in which they lost 80 percent of their games. In fact, Baldwin took the University to court over the matter. After the jurors deliberated for over ten hours, they decided to award Baldwin with 2 million dollars in damages. Also, reportedly, Baldwin and his team had to use used equipment to work with his team while white coaches before and after him used new equipment. Now, even with all that evidence or lack there of, I don't think that Baldwin was justified in saying he was fired because of his race. I mean, he lost over 80% of his games and failed to keep attendance high. Almost every coach, white, black, Hispanic, etc would be fired for those types of numbers. If he wanted to keep his job, he should have found a way to keep his team winning, or at least win more than 20% of their games and show some progress for the future and then the chance of him keeping his job would have been much higher.

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