Thursday, October 4, 2007

Secret Substance?

Since when does water or Gatorade help a pitcher effect the movement of his pitches? During the Rockies Phillies game on Wednesday, the Rockies were winning 4 to 2 in the 9th inning when the Rockies closer, Manny Corpas, came in to close the game. But before he did, video caught him doing something very suspicious. The video showed him drinking out of a cup and pouring the substance down his back and chest. While pitching, he kept padding his chest and rubbing his fingers between pitches. Sports Illustrated made it seem like he was using this substance to gain an advantage in the game. Are you kidding me? He drank out of the cup ladies and gentleman. Tell me what substance that would help a pitcher gain an advantage that they would also drink? This just doesn’t make sense at all. These accusations of similar occurrences are getting out of hand. He was probably just overheated and poured some water on himself to cool himself off. Sure sometimes pitches use foreign substances such as Vaseline and pine tar to gain an advantage in games but the fact the he drank the substance that was on his chest makes me think that there is no way that he was using the substance to gain an advantage in the game. Also, it is a common thing for pitchers to grab their jersey and rub their fingers in between pitches. Just because he poured it on his chest, people got suspicious of his actions. I just think that there is no justification to this. He drank out of the cup!

1 comment:

Gurich said...

I agree with Phil that it is getting out of hand with the accusations of baseball players that are trying to get an upper hand on the completion. I would understand if the pitcher put some other substance on him like pine tar but it was a liquid that he drank. If he drank it then it must not be helping him get the upper hand. Maybe he was overheated and he just needed to cool down before he went into the game. I’m tried of people thinking that everybody is cheating out there when it is just a small group of people that are cheating.